What is the mystery of the Sphinxes around the World?  
 The Ancient Ethiopian (Lemurian) Mythology reveals that the seven parts of The Sphinx are not only representations of the seven building blocks of character but also the foundation or principles of  THOUGHT or THINKING. The seven perspectives of Thought are the result of the first intelligent beings who came into existence, who first inquired, "Who are we?" and "Where did we come from?"
According to the Ancient Ethiopian (Lemurian) Mythology, the BRAIN OF CREATION created the Universe by dividing Itself into many parts and hid Itself within the parts of each Creation It made. But the First intelligent beings that manifested, who are symbolically represented by the CLAWS OF THE LION, were confused and were searching, and asking themselves why and who created them and the Universe. They searched throughout the universe for answers for thousands of years, and concluded that they were the only ones with Intelligence and declared they are self created, and they should govern and rule the Universe and any other creation that shall come after them. And for a time all the original beings agreed with the FIRST IDEA or THOUGHT pattern. 

But then a second group who are represented symbolically by the FALCON’S WINGS started to form a second IDEA or THOUGHT pattern which said they will no longer follow the first idea or theory of Self Creation. They concluded after deep investigations that there must be a Creator who is beyond their understanding and comprehension that created and governs the Universe in harmony. They argued that they can not prove it, but they have FAITH in that Higher Being. 
A great debate issued between the leaders of the FIRST and SECOND THOUGHT pattern, and each tried to convince the other about their truth. Followers of the FIRST THOUGHT groups said there is no Higher Intelligence or Creator and presented scientific evidence to convert the SECOND Group. However, the seven leaders of the SECOND THOUGHT or IDEA could not be convinced, and they also presented their scientific and natural evidence of why they believed they are right and no longer followed the FIRST THOUGHT or IDEA of Self Creation. Sadly, a Great War started between the two IDEAS and are still being fought till this day. 

The THIRD THOUGHT pattern that came into existence is represented symbolically by the BULL’S BODY. It saw the wisdom of both THOUGHT patterns and agreed to go along with whichever is the dominant one at the current time. They saw how IDEAS change with time and the leaders of the THIRD THOUGHT pattern said there is no need to follow one idea to the extreme and to be flexible. The group saw the need to go along with the dominant THOUGHT pattern at the moment in life. 

The fourth THOUGHT pattern is represented symbolically with the HUMAN head of the Sphinx. These were groups of Beings who kept neutral about the above three IDEAS or THOUGHT patterns and kept to themselves without being bothered innocently ignoring the three groups and their wars. 

The war continued on for many generations, sometimes the FIRST Idea was dominant and other times the SECOND Theory of creation was dominant. Seeing all this confusion and war, the BRAIN OF CREATION was silent and knew that IT’S creations do not understand IT. The UNIVERSAL MIND decided to create a being with all IT’S qualities and with all the qualities of the entire creation. THE COSMIC CONSCIOUS then gave IT’S Creation the power and intelligence to understand IT and IT’S plan of Creation. The ALMIGHTY’S daughter who was named FAA_HUR which means DIVINE WISDOM, who is represented symbolically by the COBRA above the head of the Sphinx, was a beautiful and magnificent creation. She rises from the deepest recesse of the brain and flows upward towards the head activating the Prefrontal Cortex part of the brain also known as the WISDOM EYE, THE EYE IN THE BRAIN, THE THIRD EYE…etc in many cultures around the world, which stops the war and confusion among all beings. She first revealed herself to those few among the group who represented the Human Head that were neutral in the war and was not aligned with any groups but deeply meditated and contemplated about the four patterns of THINKING in the universe and were innocent within their heart-mind and She bestowed upon them the NEMES of The Sphinx which represent ROYALTY and The POSTICHE which represents SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING or SPIRITUAL POWER.  Furthermore, She revealed and instructed them that the four THOUGHT patterns are actually ONE IDEA with FOUR ATTRIBUTES and those selected few who understood Her in the Ancient past erected the Great Sphinx statues throughout the world to remind their descendants about the 4 principles of THOUGHT and the Great WISDOM named FAAHUR and Her Gifts!